Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I had a slice of Cheese on Toast for breakfast - I had a slice of Pizza for breakfast?

What do you think of these two statements?

Aside from some tomato puree, there's little difference right?

Now... lots of people have toast for breakfast and I'm sure that none of you would think twice if a friend had told you that it was what they had for breakfast this morning... but if they had had pizza, would you be shocked? Disgusted? Why?

Are we just too snobbish and switched off to see the non-existant difference? Maybe we're just full of useless info rammed down our throats by people telling us which foods are good and which are bad? Maybe this is why so many people struggle to be healthy even when they TRY to eat what they THINK is healthy?

I once heard that the average bowl of breakfast cereal has the same amount of sugar as a jam dougnut.

The only real difference between cheese on toast and pizza is a bit of tomato puree and surely that's quite good for you so maybe we should make the change and have a small pizza or a jam doughnut before work?

Thoughts?I had a slice of Cheese on Toast for breakfast - I had a slice of Pizza for breakfast?
A bowl of cereal only has as much sugar as a doughnut *if you add a spoonful of sugar to it*.

Modern life has meant we now eat the wrong way round. We should breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dine like a pauper. That way, we load up for the day first thing in the morning and then burn it off during the day.

Many people skip breakfast, have a light lunch then have a huge evening meal. So, they are using their reserves during the day. And what happens when they eat and then do nothing for the rest of the night? It gets stored as fat.

So, in principle I see nothing wrong with pizza for breakfast, any more than I see anything wrong with a full English breakfast - both are only OK if you *don't* have another big meal in the evening.
pizza is often associated with grease and oil simply because of the process in which they are usually made; they also often contain meats and excess cheese. Toast on the other hand is often made right away and associated with fresh and crispness. It has good reason to be so, as toast and a cup of tea has been widely regarded as a simplicit and uncomplex meal.

So... even though we should not be overly shocked or disgusted by any statement, we should still listen to what comes after it and an explanation.I had a slice of Cheese on Toast for breakfast - I had a slice of Pizza for breakfast?
Most of the people I know eat pizza for breakfast when they have some leftover in the fridge, including me. And cheese toast is great for breakfast, especially when topped with a poached egg.

I don't like sweet things for breakfast all that much, although I frequently have cereal and a banana because it's so easy to fix and I'm usually pretty busy then.
I don't follow breakfast protocol. I eat whatever I feel like when I want so if I want cereal in the afternoon then I'll have cereal in the afternoon. Doesn't have to be at breakfast time.

As long as what I eat in the morning can sustain me till lunch then I'm cool.

Good question.

By the way, what is the supposedly strangest thing that you've eaten for breakfast? (strangest as in not the typical cereal and toast, juice etc)
I loooooove left overs for breakfast! Be it pizza, chinese food, indian, homemade stew, pasta bake, if its there i'll eat it! Sometimes i even make pizza toasties, one slice of bread, toast one side, top the other side with tomato ketchup, grated cheese and anything else if you fancy it, toast it and enjoy!
I like pizza for breakfast, but it's not the tomatos or the veggies or the meat on the pizza that makes it unhealthy. It's all that grease in it. That's what makes it so unhealthy. Anyways, what a person eats for breakfast is their businessand those that complain do so because of their beliefs. If you are happy with your breakfast, then why care what others think?
I think pizza is made from dough,and toast is merely bread,which is made from dough too - hey,you`re onto something here!! - apart from the mozzarella cheese and olives and anchovies ?? I can see what you`re getting at though ; people should just eat what the f*** they want,when they want.its their body after all.......
you're right!

so much sugar in breakfast cereals goes unnoticed because people think that cereal is healthy. and if product makers put sugar in them - people won't realize because apparently 'cereal is healthy.'

there really is not much of a difference between pizza and cheese toast!
A Margarita pizza isn't different at all from a pizza. They are both greasy and one is considered a wholesome meal and the other fatty junk food.

Must say though, i thought of this days ago, get with the times :P
Pizza for breakfast is good...nothing wrong with a little indulgence in the morning.
Personally I don't think I could face either of your suggestions first thing in the day although I suppose a good old English all-day contains at least as much fat !
i would love pizza for breakfast but it just seems wrong. I can really see ur point though, well done

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