Friday, February 17, 2012

I ate pizza for breakfast this morning. Am I going to get fat?

omgomg i hope not.I ate pizza for breakfast this morning. Am I going to get fat?
You are cute.

Besides, it's better to have meat than bones.
Keep eating pizza, don't move from your couch.I ate pizza for breakfast this morning. Am I going to get fat?
It depends on the quantity. If you eat a lot of it most mornings, you will probably get fat unless you have the genes to prevent it.
How thus this fall into immigration

pizza sint a good breakfast sourece as it lakcs carbs.

if u r addicted to pizza then myabe one day you will get fat. eat a balanced diet
It depends on the total calories you take in a day.

3500 calories equals a pound.

It depends on your metabolism as well, how quickly you burn calories. If you don't want to become fat then you need to eat better and move more. Exercise, play sports, etc. Limit the amount of junk you eat. Pizza would qualify as junk but it is healthier than most junk.
No. Only if you eat pizza at night. Your metabolism is fastest in the morning and slowest in the evening.
What difference would it make, your already ugly
No one gets fat from 1 meal. But if your eating pattern includes poor choices at every meal, eventually yes you'll gain weight.
This is the Immigration section...what the he** does that have to do with you eating pizza in the morning? who cares!
I hope you do. In fact, I hope you get SO fat that your stomach prevents you from being able to reach the keyboard with your sausage-like fingers. Then the rest of us here won't have to deal with your less than intelligent questions and answers anymore.

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