Friday, February 17, 2012

I am eating cold pizza for breakfast. what are you gonna eat?

:) thanks and have a good day!I am eating cold pizza for breakfast. what are you gonna eat?
a 100 calorie english muffin with I cant believe its not butter %26amp; grape jelly. YUM!!! :)
a shake.I am eating cold pizza for breakfast. what are you gonna eat?
My best friend does that (ew lOl). I'm going to eat kashi cereal with milk and fresh berries and some orange juice. Healthy and good 鈾?/div>
  • 4 years ago
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peanut M%26amp;Ms and mountain dew
I already ate an omelet here at was "ok"
hopefully the missus but i better ask fist
Special K cereal bar. Yumyum :-)
i had coco pops
tomorrow morning i will have... toast or cereal :P

u 2!
nothing :(
coffee and cigs
Whoever is on your aviatar picture.... hmm looks tasty
that is really nasty.ewww....

ummm i already had cereal with yogurt
i just made me left over filet minon, mashed potatos and a salad, its 3:36 am and i've been up all night, but it was damn good and sounds a lot better than cold pizza lol.
i had boiled egg and toast
Coincidentally, cold pizza.
Bacon %26amp; eggs mmmmm =P
2 pizza bread with 2 egg

1jug of lemon pani juice
I ate smores poptarts and drank some chocolate milk :)
pancakes and milo
Mike, dont ask, just go for it! That will wake her up!

I think im prolly gonna have to go to McDonalds again....bleh
i will eat toast

My dead lemur.
Probably toast an marmite (again)
im going to skip it and sleep till lunch...yay summer!
dude im hungry for breakfast too. but see it is 3 35 am here so i wont get to eat breakfast for another 10 hours. i think ill just have cereal on the couch anyway
water, im nt hungry
Probably a PB%26amp;J or a couple of pop tarts. Or nothing.
waffles or egg or beer so yeah have nice day too
Anything healthy. Is that like really you in the pic?

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