Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Do you think pizza for breakfast is wrong (in a parental point of view)?

When I was watching the Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution program (Season 1), I was shocked to discover that the elementary school children we're given pizza for breakfast. Who even knows what's in that pizza, other than a load of salt, sat fats and mechanically reclaimed meats (mystery meat). Even though I don't have children yet, in the future I do intend on starting a family.

I think it's wrong in so many levels, including the nutritional value in a parents' point of view. I wouldn't even let my mother eat anything that has like some 40-50 ingredients, let alone my children.Do you think pizza for breakfast is wrong (in a parental point of view)?
Here is the thing. When you do have kids. Feed them breakfast before they go to school. Give them a sack lunch.

In the end schools shouldn't the the only one taking the blame. PARENTS should also start taking responsibility for their childs health.

and pizza for breakfast? At an elemtery school? Where was this? The south? My school always had fruit and cereal.

Also keep in mind many kids go with out breakfast. This is bad for them. Makes learning much, much harder.
Pizza doesn't have to be bad for you - IF you make it yourself out of good ingredients. Since it is a royal pain to make, I always make a ton, and then we eat it for breakfast, and sometimes lunch too.

I load mine up with fresh vegetables, pineapples, freshly cooked meat, and decent cheese (not store bought shredded). I don't use store bought sauce or crust - that is a huge source of ingredients you don't want a kid to eat. I might make a crust or use english muffins or french bread as a crust too.

Come on - you know pizza tastes best cold the morning after. And a healthy pizza is FAR better than cereal.Do you think pizza for breakfast is wrong (in a parental point of view)?
A "regular" pizza with tomato sauce and cheese? I wouldn't consider that a "breakfast" food. It sounds lazy and unimaginative to me.

I could see a "Breakfast Pizza" with scrambled eggs, fresh cut tomatoes, cheese, and maybe turkey bacon/sausage, or one with fresh fruit, but not a "regular" pizza.
if it is good enough to eat for dinner or lunch it is good enough to eat for breakfast.

most schools i ever went to didn't offer breakfast. you got a carton of milk in kindergarten that was all. it was always white milk.

if a person is concerned about what their kids are eating at school they can either pick out a school that aligns with their views on that point or have them pack their food. homeschooling is always an option too.
Depending on how much pizza and what was in it... but from a general standpoint... yes wrong. When I was in school, they did make a breakfast pizza, which had no red sauce, and it had sausage and cheese on it. More sausage than cheese really. Couldn't have been the healthiest, I'm sure.
In school is wrong to have pizza for breakfast! I love having pizza for breakfast!!!!
They do serve breakfast pizza in our county's schools. It has eggs, cheese, and saugage.

If the schools were given more money, maybe they would be able to afford better food options.
Nope. My mom gave me whatever I wanted for breakfast.. All of us actually... And we are all fine.. Now if you're feeding your kid pizza for breakfast lunch and dinner and every snack... Then you have a problem...
Pizza is healthier than many foods that kids often eat for breakfast such as poptarts and donuts.
As long as it's food.
You could always cook breakfast in your own home .

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