Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Is it only Americans who eat cold pizza for breakfast?

You've pretty much got global rights to that endearing practice, along with cheese in a tube...

ps. In the quest for truth, I have to revise my answer to reflect a recent poll taken at a late night pizzeria in Sydney, Australia. Sadly, a very, very small number of my fellow Australians do indeed indulge in cold leftover pizza for breakfast. It's a sad day.Is it only Americans who eat cold pizza for breakfast?
love it,
not necessarily... it may vary from person to person...Is it only Americans who eat cold pizza for breakfast?
I am American and I don't do it!! It has to be warm and gooey (cheese).
Possibly. I'm American, but I think cold pizza's disgusting.
I sure don't eat pizza for breakfast.
The breakfast of Champions !!!!!
Can't speak for the rest of the world, but yes:

I have on occasion had cold pizza,

with my morning mocha cappuccino.

It does sort of cover the 4 food groups

meat, veggie, dairy, and grain...
Ofcourse not. Its international.
I'm American and I would rather eat it cold then hot. I have been known to buy a pizza and take it home and stick it in the fridge and eat it after it gets cold.
only the fat americans
I just had a slice of cold pizza for my breakfast!

Actually, I prefer it at room temp, the crust is too hard when it is cold.


Canadian here (and not fat! Why do you have to be fat to have pizza for breakfast? Breakfast is the best meal of the day to be eating foods like that as you have the rest of the day to work it off!)
Brazilians too
I love cold pizza. Its the best..

I eat cold pizza for breakfast and Im not fat.
No,it just depends on your food preference!
I doubt it's limited to Americans. I wouldn't eat cold pizza, and I'm sure the majority of people wouldn't. My guess is, that wherever it is you are from, if pizza is a popular item, there are some people out there who would eat it cold... or for breadfast. Why? Because they can and because it's there... inviting them.

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