Friday, February 17, 2012

Will someone die if they eat pizza all the time?

Was wondering what is the side effect of eating pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Now it is not a whole pizza from Pizza Hut, just a few slices at a time, every day of the week. Now i do eat other things once in a while, but my favorite food is pizza. Mainly just cheese and pepperoni some times green peppers and onions.Will someone die if they eat pizza all the time?
Everyone is different. It depends on so many things. How was your health and dirt before this change? Do you excercise and drink plenty of water? These things will not make up for eating only pizza. The body can adapt to survival situations as well.

Don't you crave fresh fruits and vegetables? Try eating the proverbial apple a day for a week or so, and you'll start to crave fruit.

I like pizza, too, but occasionally. Variety is the spice of life.
Moderation is the key. Have you considered what is in a pizza? All the fat? What it's doing to your heart? How is your blood pressure? All that salt isn't good for that either. How do you feel after all that pizza? Sluggish?Will someone die if they eat pizza all the time?
Well, no. But your health will not be the best. You'll eventually grow sluggish, and you'll be lacking in certain areas. You really shouldn't eat just pizza all the time.
I don't know but you will definitely get sick because you aren't getting all the nutrients you need from different foods!!
Horrible idea but if you insist on only eating your pizza atleast take a multivitamin
You'll end up wanting to shoot yourself for not being able to eat anything else.
everyone's gonna die sooner or later, its just a question of when
you will develop cardiac problems
Oh yum you'll die sooner of heart problems but what a way to go!
they can die from their rectum bleeding from constipation cause of all that cheese
you will die, mainly from getting fat and having a heart attack
No. But U'll get more weight. Then overweight. Ur health is really bad

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