Thursday, February 9, 2012

When you have leftover pizza for breakfast, do you warm it up or eat it cold?

I usually warm it up. Tastes better the 2nd time aroundWhen you have leftover pizza for breakfast, do you warm it up or eat it cold?
i microwave it always
warm it up.When you have leftover pizza for breakfast, do you warm it up or eat it cold?
I do this alot. lol Well I like my pizza hot fresh or not
Warm it up.
Warm it up...
warm it up for so long it gets hard
Haha i keep it cold. Not out of laziness, but because i kind of like it.
Cold if going to work, warm if lounging around at home for the day.
Always heat it up...
warm it up
Put it this way: when I order a pizza, it goes in the fridge till it's cold. Cold pizza rules!!
I love cold Pizza and warm, flat beer for breakfast.

personally i think it tastes better that way

reheated tastes sort of bad
Why leftover? Fresh pizza makes a great breakfast.
Im a Greedy SOB to even have a leftover pizza!!!!!

but if that would happen, Microwave + Grill Combi!!!
warm it

i can't do cold pizza

though i can't really do pizza for breakfast... i wait to eat it till lunch
Always warm it up.
How did you know I'm having cold left over pizza for breakfast? Synchronicity rocks!
I eat it cold, same as chilli tastes lovely cold
I warm it. I like the cheese melted.
Eat it cold! Mmm...
I always eat them cold.
I microwave it because it is always so much better the second day!!
In the past I favored cold.

As I get older, microwave or let the cat sit next to it a few minutes.

By the way, love your new avatar
eat it cold

I looove it cold... :D
Cold pizza and warm beer is a great remedy for those early morning hungers.
half a minute in the microwave

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