Thursday, February 9, 2012

What leftover pizza tastes best for breakfast ?

I really like Pizza Huts stuffed crust with no toppingsWhat leftover pizza tastes best for breakfast ?
Loaded, warmed up. BTW, don't try to add fried eggs, the taste of the pizza overpowers the eggs.
any you likeWhat leftover pizza tastes best for breakfast ?
Cheese or pepperoni... of there are too many toppings it gets soggy!
little ceacers yummmy
The 1st slice you see, before anyone else grabs it!
Any cold pizza
Pizza for BREAKFAST? LOL. maybe something very basic with ham and cheese or something, but I prefer my slices of bread and chocolate spread, thx! I'll have that left-over pizza for lunch though!
Pepperoni and jalapeno does it for me
Any of them! Whatever you like and ordered the night before tastes good the next day for breakfast too...I don't even heat it up.
Papa Johns "works" pizza, everything on it, anchovies on the side, as they get Waaaaaaaaay too salty if baked on...
Cold Minskys hamburger pizza, yummy!
Breakfest pizza the pizza with like french toast bread cheeze egg bacon ham and sausage bits.
ham pizza , ppl sum time eat ham for brakfast so ham pizza
pizza that is in the fridge
Little Caesars' Hawaiian Pizza! %26lt;33
all of them if its with a beer or 6
One without anchovies
combo, pineapple and peperoni.
sausage but shouldn't this be in the polls %26amp; surveys catergory
I'm guessing that your favorite varieties would be the best..

BUT I will say that how it's (or isn't as the case may be) reheated makes all the difference

1. TOASTER OVEN: putting cold pizza in one of those small toaster ovens and setting it to toast is absolutely amazing. The bottom comes out a little crispier than when it was fresh and the cheese melts just so perfectly

2. GRILL: put cold pizza on the grill for a few mins. Makes for a new experience to the pizza connoisseur
A stuffed crust veggie supreme from Pizza Hut, hmmmmmmm!

Though I'm about to eat a Domino's so I'll let you know tomorrow!
uh..... my brother likes just plain sheese, but pepperoni might be good too
Papa Johns fer sher!!!!

pepperoni pizza.


just because i like pepperoni, but i have cold pepperoni pizza for breakfast all the time.


Plain old cheese

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