Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Watermelon + Domino's Pizza for breakfast. Will I feel sick later on?

Well, this morning I woke up feeling hungry. I'm only 13, so I can't possibly make pancakes, eggs, and stuff like that due to my mom's "paranoia" that I'll get injured... wtf. Anyways, I looked in the fridge to see what I could find to eat. The half of a watermelon caught my eye. I got it out and cut a medium-sized piece for me to eat. Not too long after, I got another piece the same size. Boy, were they good! At this point, I wasn't fully full. I, again, looked in the fridge to find some left over Domino's Pizza from last night. I got the only two pieces out, heat it up, and ate it. This all happened like 20 minutes ago.

Something tells me that watermelon + pizza is a bad combination. Do you think that I'll feel sick from my stomach (sp?) later on?Watermelon + Domino's Pizza for breakfast. Will I feel sick later on?
You have come clean. You are a sensible 13 y.o. I really commend you for the way you have written. You are doing fine, kiddo.

Here is what I think: Water melon is all water. Pizza is fine. So what have you done? Had pizza and drank some water after that. (Did you let out a loud burp or something? woke your mum?)

Nope, you are not going to feel sick. Not unless..... you ate too fast..... yup, that will give you tummy ache. But everything will settle down in time. Not to worry.

About sp.. yes, you spelled it right. There is also a spell checker...........you could have used that.

Actually, reading your question brought some smiles on me. First, you are truthful and expressed yourself very nicely. Second, you write well compared to many teeners I know.
I was making pancakes and eggs when I was 10. Pick up the frying pan and teach yourself how to cook, it's really not that difficult. I hope you do get sick from eating watermelon and pizza and learn the lesson that you probably shouldn't have asked such as stupid, ambiguous question in the first place.Watermelon + Domino's Pizza for breakfast. Will I feel sick later on?
Did you not see spell check???? No, you won't be sick, food is food, you could have had cold cereal tho ????? YOu can't get burned doing that. Or toast...I'm sure you are able to make toast....or peanut butter....oh, you could have eaten a lot of stuff....that would have been better......but you didn't so why tell us about it?????????

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