Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Should i eat a second slice of breakfast pizza?

Of course. You can never have too much pizza.

Pizza for breakfast. A woman after my own heart... contact me.Should i eat a second slice of breakfast pizza?
No. Too much will make you feel sick.Should i eat a second slice of breakfast pizza?
if that is what you want..........have it loaded with cheese
nothing wrong with pizza for breakfast, we only think that, but nothing wrong
fi you really want to but I wouldn't reccomend it
no, let me give you some advise on what you should eat, hmmmm i wonder what it could be, ummmmm, maybe, oh its coming to me..............ohhhh yeah, RABBIT EARS, here open wide they are very good today))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Please no, but then what the hell.

In for a puke oops penny in for a pound.
Share with me :D then we are both happy.
yes by all means do.

if you want it eat it.
Hell yeah! Enjoy..
Go on treat yourself
yes live it up have it I am eating my peach and coffee
yea you should or youll be thinking about it later.
depends on whethter or not you are on a diet or not
yes mam you may
Eat the whole damn pizza if you want. Make sure that there is no doggie poop on it though. Maybe you should nuke it first to make it safe for human consumption.

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