Thursday, February 9, 2012

Is it wrong to have a pizza or hamburger for breakfast?

No, but it is not the greatest breakfast in the world. I know a lot of college students who have eaten cold pizza or heated up a hamburger for breakfast.Is it wrong to have a pizza or hamburger for breakfast?
Don't make it habit,its OK .
No. I've eaten cold pizza for breakfast more times than I care to count.

Usually after a night of hard drinking.Is it wrong to have a pizza or hamburger for breakfast?
Make yourself a breakfast pizza and nobody can complain.

A pizza crust with scrambled egg, sausage, onion, cheese, etc on it.... YUMMMMM.....
I have to say NO, it is not wrong. I (before retiring) used to work the graveyard shift. I'd get off work at eight in the morning and go home and my breakfast was steak, hamburger, pork chops, whatever I was in the mood for. AND on occassion yes I would have ham %26amp; eggs. OH, BTW Laura, NICE LEGS!
It's not wrong, just not very healthy. But if you eat healthier the rest of the day, having pizza or a hamburger in the morning is no different from having it any other time of the day.
It's not the best thing, but there's nothing morally wrong with it.
also depends how old you are? if living with your parents, they have the right to tell you not to eat these things for breakfast.

but if older and out on your own you can eat what you want.

pizza for breakfast is ok, it has things that are good for you, if you have to eat it, hamburger is not.

why not eat eggs, cereal, toast and fruit, pancakes, french toast???
no, if you work night shift, it only makes sense.

sometimes its fun to mix it up. the kids love it when we have pancakes and bacon and eggs for dinner.
It may not be good for you but, it can't be wrong if that's what you want eat for breakfast.
i prefer hamburger. cus hamburger like a bread. if you eat pizza for breakfast, your stomach can be full!
It is better than not eating anything... Its actually alright if you are comfortable with it...
Not at all - more power to ya!
No. Not the best but better than no breakfast.
Hell NO!!! Cold Chinese is good tooo!!!
Rules about what to eat and what not eat are cultural creations (as long as we are talking about substances that are generally edible). In different cultures, there are different customs about meals, meal times, and foods. In the culture of the US, we have a short list of foods that most people find acceptable for breakfast, including cereal, bacon and eggs, pancakes, waffles, toast, porridges (like oatmeal), and not much else. In other countries, breakfasts are very different. People may eat cold cheese sandwiches with pickled fish and cucumbers, beans, miso soup, etc. In many cultures, breakfast is simply last night's dinner, warmed up or not. But in none of those cultures is pizza or hamburger and ordinary dinner. Thus, if you choose to have pizza or hamburger for breakfast, there is nothing wrong with it, but most people in the US will think such a breakfast odd, and even people who eat leftovers for breakfast won't be eating similar food. My personal opinion is, if your stomach wants pizza or hamburger for breakfast, go for it!
it is not healthy. Get cheese tomatos and orange juice
What's important is that you're eating breakfast. There's no "rule" that says you HAVE to eat eggs, bacon and toast. As long as you're eating and it's morning, it's breakfast!
No either is great. A lot of people skip brekkie which is so wrong. You should really eat a big meal in the morning and taper off over the day. We tend to do the opposite and go to bed with a ton of calories with nowhere to go but our hips!

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