Monday, February 6, 2012

I'm hungry, and don't really want pizza for breakfast, what should I eat?

There's not a whole lot in this house right now--I might need to walk up to Denny's--my neighbor works there and I get a break...I'm hungry, and don't really want pizza for breakfast, what should I eat?
got a can of baked beans laying around ?
Like the absolute best and healthiest breakfast you could have would be a whole wheat english muffin topped with Peanut Butter and apple slices. I say walk to the nearest store, buy these items, and you will have breakfast for a week!I'm hungry, and don't really want pizza for breakfast, what should I eat?
Get some eggs scrambled with hasbrows and a little stack of pancakes also get a small coffee with lots of cream and sugar. enjoy your meal.
Yeah, you're on the right track: Plan B (Denny's). The Super Bird with hash browns. Oh, and a Cherry Bling to wash it down.
Blimey, it depends an taste, proper diet, location, money in the pocket and all that.

At home, I like porridge, out and about a bacon sarny is fine.

In France, a chocolate croissant %26amp; coffee, in NY, a bagel on the way to work.

I have been known to polish off last nights' microwaved beef casserole for breakfast.

I am not a "podgy", and still only weigh about 9st.

Bit lucky in that departement, then.
take the toppings off the pizza and cook with eggs...........or go to denny;s they have good food.......enjoy
no need to eat!!!!!!

just chat at here.....


mybe u should eat quaker oat..........

its good for our health u know!!!!!!!!

but if u don't want its okey..........
Fried potatoes and an omelet was what I had. I can do some more for you Ms T. I cooked too many last night.
Eggs. They've got lots of protein and taste yummy. If you're walking up to Denny's, you should also get some kind of meat (sausage, ham, bacon, etc) for extra bang for your buck.

Good luck!
get the french toast with sausage and 2 eggs.
i love pizza with over easy eggs on it for breakfast. sounds gross but good
  • word twist
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