Friday, February 3, 2012

If pizza hut start selling pizza for breakfast would you consider that paranormal?

That would absolutely blow away any skeptics logical reasoning that paranormal stuff doesn't really exist. FINALLY REAL PROOF!!! This will show all those who have so righteously mocked me. I will have to add it to the list of links that I throw out on here when I make up my foolish silly answers.If pizza hut start selling pizza for breakfast would you consider that paranormal?
Yes, yes I would.

If you can prove that they are doing this I'd love to see the evidence, this would really stick it to those foolish scientists with their logic and their laws of physics.

Get evidence we must, show the world we must, prove that the paranormal exists through pizza we will, my precious.
Bacon and egg pizza.

Eggs Benedict pizza.

Papas con Chorizo pizza.

Corn Flakes pizza?

Ok now I'm hungry.

paranormal no,

yummie yes!If pizza hut start selling pizza for breakfast would you consider that paranormal?
No, I wouldn't consider it paranormal. I think I prefer to call it expanded business.
Got to try it scrambled egg or omelet pizza. Its paranormal now but also futuristic.
Well I think science has proven that pizza makers make pizza. I think they've also proven than ovens work any time of the day. So I don't think so, it's very explainable.
Decidedly not, seeing as I'm a college student and pizza is perfectly acceptable as a breakfast food.
its Satan i tell you Satan !!!!
Pizza for breakfast, dude that is the most amazing thing I've heard all day!

Not if it has egg on

Only if it disappears when I go to bite~
No.i would consider that a blessing,yum
no people are eating greasy meat for breakfast why not pizza

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