Thursday, February 9, 2012

I had left over pizza for breakfast and a cheese omelette and hash browns for dinner. Is that weird to you?

I don't classify any food as only breakfast or dinner, etc. Sometimes I have cereal for lunch...hahahaI had left over pizza for breakfast and a cheese omelette and hash browns for dinner. Is that weird to you?
I am exactly like that. Here are a few examples of things I eat for breakfast: lasange, pizza (cold pizza is DELICIOUS!), jacket potato (not often), chips (not often), chicken burger (not as often), ice cream and much more...

I think cereal tastes goooood at night with the nice cold milk. Why should it only be for breakfast? One time me and my friend were hungry at 3 in the morning so for a snack we had some cheerios with ice cold milk...

Food is food. As long as your eating, I don't see why you should class anything as breakfast lunch or dinner food.
that's perfectly fine.I had left over pizza for breakfast and a cheese omelette and hash browns for dinner. Is that weird to you?
Nooo! Food is food. =)
That makes me weird too.
noe, sounds like your a college student
Yum. I like cereal for dessert occasionally.
No!You are perfectly normal.
it's not that weird, but a teeny bit strange
No, it's not...
No, it actually sounds tasty!
I had mac n cheese for breakfast and cereal for dinner.. so no you are not weird to me :]

But others may think we are both weird! haha
I have my big meal at 10 in the morning and end the day with cereal. It's my life and my food and I dont care what anyone says.
ha ha Its not that weird. whatever floats your boat
Nah that's totally normal....people in my family sometimes eat cereal for dinner when there's nothing else. And I am all for eating "lunch/dinner" food for breakfast and vice versa!
nope. that sounds Delicious
not at all, in fact that sounds a lot like what me and my friends did while in college!
nah i do that too! i'm a student at uni %26amp; it seems a lot of students do that sort of thing! have cereal for dinner, left over take out for breakfast, just whatevers about/ you can afford!

i'm not a fan of normal breakfasty type things anyway so quite often i'd rather have a sandwich for brekkie! lol
sounds yummy to me. i do that a lot too. we often have cereal for dinner.
lol eww left over pizza thats not nice if it was fresh then yeah and i think every1 eats cereal anytime of the day
If that make you weird then so am I cause I had cookies for breakfast and scrambled eggs for supper.
No that's not weird... I had a drumstick for breakfast and a smoothie with toast for lunch today!
that's normal!
No, I had brocolli and stilton soup for my breakfast and bran flakes for tea.
It's not weird, not very healthy of course, but if your stomach can take it?

Cereal is a great snack at any time of the day!
I have had pizza for breakfast and an omelet for dinner, and nothing is wrong with it.
I had potato chips for breaky, toast for lunch and waffles for dinner.... :D
Well i used to work at a pizza hut , so eating pizza for breakfeast is normal to me , and breakfast is good anytime of the day thats why the waffle house is open for business
nah...I think thats groovy!
It' fact, I'm a bit jealous =)

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