Thursday, February 9, 2012

Have you ever had pizza for breakfast?

from the night before, do you warm it up or have it cold.Have you ever had pizza for breakfast?
yes, one time

and... i don't remember.. but i think my brother warmed it up lol
just the other day actually. i leave it cold. it tastes nicer :)Have you ever had pizza for breakfast?
yes and cold
cold every time, why waste time reheating? it tastes better that way anyway
i warm it up. can't even contemplate eating cold pizza.
Yeah, have it cold. Its nice hot or cold.The simple brilliance of pizza!
Yeah, and I warm it up. Only cheap pizza tastes nice cold.
Actually,my mom made it for us in the morning.It was so perfect and tasty.And she made it for us not once,not twice and not thrice but actually ten times.

I think I have told you about this before,in an answer to your question some months ago.

By the way,do you have it warm or cold......
yes many times, cold or hot.
Yes,cold cold cold :) and chinese is always good for breakfast.
hell yeah! and warm all the way
When i lived in Australia cold pizza from the night before WAS BREAKFAST (LOL)
yes, and it's got to be warmed up.
Just once. Didn't really like it for some reason.
Yeah a few times, I usually warm it up.

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