Friday, February 17, 2012

Does anybody else eat cold pizza for breakfast?

Absolutely!! Plus, I have my family trained that all leftover pizza belongs to Mom and no one else is to touch it without asking first. Pretty sweet, huh?

I don't ask for much, but the pizza is MINE!

;)Does anybody else eat cold pizza for breakfast?
yum! i do!
Sometimes I do, when I am up all night and want something more dinner like ;%26gt;Does anybody else eat cold pizza for breakfast?
I don't know of anyone who eats pizza cold.
I love cold pizza, anytime, but for breakfast especially, because it's grab-and-go and it's semi-nutritionally complete for the morning.
i LOVE cold next day pizza!
Yes, I love cold pizza. Had some yesterday.
yummmm best breakfast ever
Only if there is any left by morning. LoL
Everytime we have left over pizza, I finish it for breakfast the next day!
Absolutely incredible to eat it cold in the morning!!!
I just ate some this morning!
This was my late sisters fave! Myself, i did not start to eat leftover, cold pizza for breakfast until last year. And lately, i discovered that i like McDonald's apple pie cold the next day, as well as a quarter pounder. Who would have thought it?
only if it's dominos

Pretty much anything is fair game in that respect. Pepperoni is a classic morning pizza and keeps really well!

Cold lamb balti in the morning is a favourite too.

The only thing that doesn't appeal to me the next morning are chips (french fries).
Doesn't everyone?
Sure, I have before; it's good. Don't know 'bout the Quarter Pounder though.To me, most hamburgers are not good leftover. Cold pizza is nutritionally better than a lot of cereals that some people eat.
only when hungover
no, I don't eat pizza for breakfast
Love it....but ,with a house full of kids the chances of left over pizza is being the only one in the house who likes anchovies. I took to adding a few on a couple of slices before putting them in the fridge.....worked like a charm.
I eat cold pizza for breakfast - it is the breakfast of champions. :)
Unfortunately yes. I hate it, but when you pay the money for pizza, you HAVE to finish it, and that usually means cold the next day. Yech. But if you're hungry, it works.
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