Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Do you like pizza for breakfast warm or cold?

visit http://www.recipecarousel.com.blog tell us what u thinkDo you like pizza for breakfast warm or cold?

If the crust is soggy I turn up the fry pan to hot and slap the pizza in the pan to give it instant crunch!

I had left over garlic chicken pizza from the bar last night...so good - I ate it cold with a glass of milk!
cold or sometimes at room temperature (for those times when the pizza box just sits out on the table all night..)Do you like pizza for breakfast warm or cold?
warm, I never ever eat cold pizza, I find it lazy
Depends on whether I'm in the mood to heat it!. If I'm too lazy then it's cold or if I'm feeling all energetic - it's hot!!
Good both ways.

Its nice cold, strangely nice :)

But you get the delicious melted cheese when its hot

Nora x
Cold, baby!
hot.....i have a homemade pizza in the fridge all ready to bake tonight.....I can't wait!
Yes and I like it warm!
warm or cold - i love pizza
warm.. =]
I like my pizza warm..
Who eats cold pizza? lol

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