Thursday, February 9, 2012

Is pizza a healthy breakfast?

I'm a guy, 13, 5'7, 105 lbs or so, if that matters... So its a slice of thin crust papa murphy's hawaiian pizza. Its 150 or 140 or so calories per slice (may be less because i got it with light cheese). Is one slice healthy to have for breafast? Is it enough? If its not healthy why? If its not enough what would be a good addition? Thankyou!Is pizza a healthy breakfast?
Actually Pizza was a breakfast food that was purchased by workers on their way to the docks in NYC. Some how it ended up as a dinner food. Any way the workers would buy a slice or two and eat it on the way to work. So you take it from there.Is pizza a healthy breakfast?
I don't think that would be healthy because calories aren't all that matter. Some ingredients are good for you but what about the salt and carbs So just make sure you are looking at all aspects of the foods you eat. And for breakfest you should eat like fruits such as an orange, apple, or bannanas.

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