Thursday, February 9, 2012

Is pizza better hot out of the oven or cold breakfast the next day?

Hot out of the oven; though it's not bad cold for breakfast either.Is pizza better hot out of the oven or cold breakfast the next day?
best for baiting mouse traps 2 weeks laterIs pizza better hot out of the oven or cold breakfast the next day?
Definitely hot! It keeps the sauce and the crust warm, while creating that melty/stringy cheese texture. Delicious!
*In the voice of Isaac Hayes* Oooh, baby..Hassa be hot out da oven...Mmmm-Hmmmm...All melty and strechy and chewy...Daaaamn right.
You gotta be kiddin!!!
Cold pizza...gross. I prefer it hot...or reheated the next day.
pizza is pizza is pizza!!

it's awesome any way, any day and any time!!

i love it best when it's fresh out of the oven - love it also when it's a cold snack late night when u're mooching around the fridge... but pizza for breakfast... hmmmm... not tried that yet - but it should be a good idea seeing that it caters to the basic food groups - cereals, dairy, veggies, protein ;-) etc etc!!

what's yr preference??
hot out of the oven of course
hot out of the oven.
ya thinking hot unless your still drunk from the night before then it really doesnt matter!
Angela, that pizza you and I had last weekend, fresh and hot, dripping with cheese, was delicious, just like it was the next morning, when we ate the last of what was remaining in the box, and on the table, and on the shower stall floor, everything was excellent, either way, and oh, that final piece, that you made me eat from your uh,...... well, U remember, it wuz the best!
Pizza is better out of the oven! Because when you put it in the microwave in the morning you cant get the right temperecher!!
I think.. its better to take it hot... because u can smell the aroma of pizza....
Depends upon your mood, how hungry you are and what time of day it is. In short any time of day, pizza always hits the spot, hot or cold. As the saying goes, "Some like it hot, some like it cold, come like it in the pot, nine days old......Well OK, I admit, nine days is a little toooooo old, but sometimes it's nice to find that piece of leftover pizza in the frig and start munching on it.
I love them both...cold or hot
hot...but it's one of the foods that is good hot or cold.
i love pizza right out of the oven..... the day after, reheated in the micro or in the oven, especially if it is a pan pizza..... if the crust is a thin pizza, eat it reheated or crust texture is a keeper. i hate greasy crust..... chalking, or cardboard taste.....
Pizza is great hot cold or at any temp it can can be served at
Eat it hot out of the oven, AND save some for tomorrow :-)

Tip: If you find that pizza dries out when you microwave it, try sprinkling a little water on it (top and bottom.) This will help it become moist.
EW! Cold pizza is gross. It's so much better hot.

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