Friday, February 3, 2012

Is it NORMAL to have pizza, burgers, spaghetti, chicken, lasagna, and chinese food for BREAKFAST?

I just don't like regular, traditional breakfast food. Am I a weirdo?

By the way, I really enjoy my pizza, burgers, spaghetti, chicken, lasagna, and chinese food for breakfast.Is it NORMAL to have pizza, burgers, spaghetti, chicken, lasagna, and chinese food for BREAKFAST?
Our Higher Power has only given us one chance on this Earth to live well and enjoy!

Break traditions!!!!! Enjoy the life you have and live it to the fullest!

Love Chinese food in the mornings! Love lasagna in the mornings!!!!!!!
Cold Pizza is the best breakfast.Is it NORMAL to have pizza, burgers, spaghetti, chicken, lasagna, and chinese food for BREAKFAST?
Go ahead and eat the non-traditional items as long as you are enjoying a healthy, nutritional and balanced diet.
I am actually having chinese food right now for breakfast! Then I may have a slice of pizza. So yes it is normal for me. I dont let my son do it though. He eats normal breakfast food for his breakfast. No I dont think you are a weirdo lots of people eat regular lunch/dinner food for breakfast and sometimes have breakfast for dinner.
I don麓t think so
eat whatever you want for breakfast
If is normal for you so is normal, another different thins is if you ask if is healthy, because is not.
No you are not weird at all.. who designated cheerios as breakfast food anyway?

The best thing for breakfast is chocolate cake and a big glass of milk :)
Whats normal? I love Pizza for breakfast.
i eat it
in india they eat left overs every morning so no your eating habits arent weird

sorry i dont know you well enough to decide if your are a weirdo or not

Yes, it's totally normal because that's what's leftover in the fridge and easy to eat. Everyone does it. Except weirdos.
i eat those as well in the morning including, ham and cheese sandwich, chips and dip soup, chicken and sausage gumbo, and beef stew.
dont eat junk food for breakfast. u will probably suffer latter in ur life. u will also grow fat. so try something else but not junk food. try fruits, cornflakes, milk, brown bread or something. it will make u healthy.

hope u follow my advice.
Yeah, if you want to gain 5 lbs a day!
pizza is okay...the rest is questionable
It is not normal, but not bad either.
I love peppermint icecream for breakfast who is to say what normal is...its normal for you
hey, food is food, and most lunch/dinner foods are made with the same ingredients as breakfast foods, just prepared differently. I also enjoy these foods for breakfast, whoopdidoodah all food is good ( except brussel sprouts... lol).
Go for it. I use to eat tuna salad sandwiches for breakfast when I lived in the Carribean. I'm burned out on canned tuna now. I sometimes eat pizza for breakfast. No, you are not weird.
Yup.. why not?
You should get a hearty meal in the morning, gives you energy for the day.
Hell yes! eat hardy, and enjoy, bot consider exersizing and taking a multiple vitamin/minerals daily;)
yes yes and yes. it's totally unhealthy for you but it just has so much flavor and gives you that KICK you need to get through the day. i just had bojangles kids meal and the chicken bowl jambalaya this morning. damn it was good!
i don't think it's weird. i used to eat that stuff for breakfast when i was in college.
Normal, Acceptable, yes! Sometimes I eat breakfast for dinner ;-)

Now, if you eat all of the above at one time for breakfast, the only way that is "normal" is if you are pregnant.
I don't see anything wrong with it.
Why not? I'd rather have that stuff than "regular" breakfast food any day.

When I was kid, I used to love soup for breakfast, which drove my dad BONKERS, and the doctor told him to leave me alone - as long as I ate SOMETHING in the morning, it's all good!
If your are stoned..
not all together i hope

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