Tuesday, February 14, 2012

If a parent fed their children donuts every day for breakfast and it wasn't your kid, would you say something?

I don't know such a parent, I only read about it in a mag. It was an article on children whose parents feed them donuts for breakfast, cake/pizza/wings (that type of stuff) for lunch on a daily basis and the children are obese, some severely.If a parent fed their children donuts every day for breakfast and it wasn't your kid, would you say something?
I would educated them on nutrition but I couldn't criticize as that teaches nothing.
It would depend on how I know the person...and what else they were feeding them. I feel sad for children that are fed that stuff constantly. Kids eat what they are given. I never bring that stuff into our house. My kids are not deprived of "kid food"...we just go out for it on special occasions. That way, they don't associate it with everyday life.If a parent fed their children donuts every day for breakfast and it wasn't your kid, would you say something?
If their children are healthy and there wasn't a prominent problem, I'd mind my own business. However if I had knowledge that these kids were clearly obese and had direct health problems caused by their parents ignorance I would tell them that that is definitely not alright and needs to stop and if it continued report it as a form of child abuse.
NO! and that is the biggest problem with the U.S. to many people sticking there nose in someone elses business, busy bodies, and gossips I may ask how does this affect you America has become a country of petty police. The fasion police, the health police etc tend to your own life I am sure it is not perfect either
If I knew someone that was doing this, I might make a comment about the health effects of their child.If they didn't care I would drop it. I might call CPS if it was so severe there was malnutrition going on.

I was wondering what people would say about this because when it comes to formula feeding/breastfeeding people are always quick to say we shouldn't care what other people are feeding their children/babies, even though in 99.9 circumstances breastmilk is the healthiest thing for babies, and formula is a inferior food. However. people still argue it shouldn't be any of our business. But what if, like you said, this were the case with fast food/processed foods, donuts and such. It's still food but its not as nutritious as other foods would be. I bet some people who have argued to stay out of other ppl's business would say something about this. I'm curious what some answers are!
I work at a coffee/donut shop and see this quite often. I try to suggest yogurt for the kids, but it tends to go in one ear and out the other.


No, it's not my place to say anything, but no one gets sympathy from me either on this subject. You cannot play the I didn't know card, because they do. It's not illegal to feed cr@p to your kids all day, but it's sad.
well, you must not be from south alabama like me. i, unfortunatly, know several parents like that. but no, i wouldnt say anything to them - its not my place.

i might get a lot of TD, but it is a fact that the south has more obesity than other regions. traditional southern food is very very very unhealthy - chock full of fat and salt. it tastes great - but isnt great for you

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