Friday, February 3, 2012

Do you have any idea why Domino's Pizza doesn't sell breakfast pizzas?

I have to eat cereal again this morning because they do not have breakfast pizzas at Domino's! WTF???!!!Do you have any idea why Domino's Pizza doesn't sell breakfast pizzas?
It seems they didn't have enough orders to make it profitable. In my opinion, it was one of their best items, along with hot coffee and/or orange juice. I wish they had them again.
Basically, to sell breakfast items during normal morning hours (say, 8 a.m. to noon locally), the place would have to be there for cleaning and prep twice as early (the first staff would have to show up at 4 or 5 a.m.). This could be a problem for a pizza place that's open until 1 or 2 a.m. some days of the week anyway. Beyond a certain point, cleaning and maintenance become issues.

Not to mention: certain items just don't cook so well in the oven. This is one reason why you don't see places do "dessert pizza" anymore either--because you can't bake the fruit toppings quickly without burning them. That goes for anything with egg ingredients as well, only worse because of health/sanitation issues with the eggs.

It's just easier (read: lower risk for them legally) to encourage people to have cold pizza and/or cheesy bread for breakfast from the fridge the next day. For the pizza place it's all reward and no risk that way.Do you have any idea why Domino's Pizza doesn't sell breakfast pizzas?
Cost and space it would take to acquire breakfast items plus they would have to open earlier so the cost of labor would be higher and corporations/franchises hate that!
It does. It's called "pizza".
Because bake beans on a pizza is disgusting.
Oh you poor poor baby ! I'm pretty sure you'll survive and live ! Believe it or not people do eat cereal and live !
Cos they dont open until lunchtime
That's the best idea i've ever heard! I like eating my leftover pizza from there in the morning though.
Pizza is not a breakfast meal. Too heavy.
not enough demand to cover costs. if you could convince them otherwise, they'd probably give it a go.

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