Thursday, February 9, 2012

Do you eat pizza for breakfast?

i eat it for breakfast occasionally, and people will walk by and question it. but i've also heard of people doing it. so i kinda wonder why people seem so surprised when it does seem to happen.

or maybe it's my imagination...Do you eat pizza for breakfast?
Yes, I have ate left over pizza the next morning on many occasions
no, i guess to each his own breakfastDo you eat pizza for breakfast?
leftover pizza for breakfast is great. If you wake up and find yourself cooking a fresh pizza or ordering out, that's not normal.
Im not much on breakfast foods, I would rather have pizza or a cheese burger.
i only eat pizza for breakfast if it is cold and left over - that is when it is best.
Like answer above, I am not much for breakfast food. I am actually eating lasagna for breakfast this morning!
no its is not for break fast food .we cant eat as a breakfast .
I eat pizza occasionally too. When I have to get up early for work I can just grab a slice out of the fridge and be off. You're not alone. Some people are surprised because they also eat pizza for breakfast, but maybe the don't want to reveal themselves.
I eat whatever is the quickest to fix at the time. But I've been known to eat a couple slices of cold pizza in the morning.
pizza left on the table taste good in the morning. Its not too hot and not too cold... just right
try this. this is a great breakfast

tex-mex breakfast pizza:

pre made pizza crust

BBQ sauce(or salsa)

tomatoes, onion, green peppers, corn, jalapenos, black beans, scrambled eggs

spread BBQ sauce on pizza crust sprinkle on other ingredients

top with cheddar cheese

bake till brown on top

serve with sour cream
I love pizza for breakfast,you are definitely not the only one!
Yes if there is some leftover from the previous night, I'll reheat it up in the microwave.
Yes i eat pizza for breakfast but not all the time. I ate pizza when i have a left over. :)
I hate pizza at any time.
Left over pizza from the night before makes a great breakfast.
Yes, my moms friend even makes these AWSOME breakfast pizzas!
no I don't but some people like you eat different things for breakfast
only if there is pizza left over
i do if i have leftovers
yes if it is breakfast pizza made with



Sometimes. My mom makes great homemade pizza, so I don't see why not.
Yeah I Sometimes do - But only when I have left overs ! :)
it kinda depends because I slept in today so for my first meal I had pizza so it could be breakfast or dinner
only cold pizza.
i eat anything for breakfast. my breakfast doesnt have to be breakfast foods. sometimes i eat rice for breakfast when i feel like it or roast chicken. its weird but i dont really care, breakfast is just another meal.

and yes, i eat pizza for breakfast when i have leftovers but i heat it up first coz i hate the taste of cold pizza. i like it when the cheese is warm. :)

anyways, have fun eating pizza for breakfast, who cares what anyone else thinks!
lol not since i was 17.

hand tossed heavy sauce with lottsa mushroom onions green peppers and don't forget PEPPERONI!

i probably still can if i wanted to.

but i am not a big fan of salty breakfasts.

as i also found that i have more weird cravings during the day when i had those for breakfast.

because it's that first meal that sets you're eating rhythm for the rest of the day
Err. No i don't eat pizza for breakfast. But cold pizza is good though, just not for breakfast.

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