Thursday, February 9, 2012

Do American People Really Eat Pizza & Crisps For Breakfast ?

I was watching this random Jamie oliver programme before and he was at an american school, and they has crisps and pizza for breakfast 0.o xDo American People Really Eat Pizza %26amp; Crisps For Breakfast ?
I know it was gross :O i love jamie, he's jsut trying to save those fatties from an early death for christ's sake. but those were little kids, hopefully older people know better, or probably not since they let their children eat crap...
For this 45 yr old American and family... never EVER had "crisps" (potato-chips for breakfast). Though if there IS left over Pizza, it's fair game.

Normal Breakfast round here is Eggs, Meat (bacon, sausage, ham), Taters, Toast, Jam, and Fruit. OR just cereal during the week.

Then again... we WORK 12 hour days outside tending the ranch and BURN all those calories. NO one in our family even approaches the definition of "overweight" much less "obese". Around here, a case (24 cans) of soda lasts two weeks among 5 people... one can every other day.

Jamie Oliver is a prat who puts the inner-city and Mid-west diet on ALL of America.Do American People Really Eat Pizza %26amp; Crisps For Breakfast ?
I'm sure some Americans do just like some English people do. I don't know how common it is though. I wouldn't listen to Jamie Oliver either...

The blokes a complete idiot.
Hahaha. I've eaten pizza for breakfast before, but only once or twice. Never had crisps for breakfast though. I eat cheerios with honey on them, nom nom nom!
Not most of us, no. That show picked the fattest grossest people it could find to make a point, but that's by no means normal.
I've had cold pizza for breakfast what are crisps? Don't just judge me cause I eat unhealthy breakfast! I eat my fruit loops too!
Usually we don't, but I've heard of people eating pizza for breakfast.
yes sometimes
if i had left over pizza from the night before ya.. i rarely have crisps for breakfast though
I'm American and I've never heard of anyone doing that. 0_o

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