Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Did you eat Pizza for breakfast?

... I did :)Did you eat Pizza for breakfast?
haha yeah I did that all last week. I bout one of those 5 buck pizza and I've had a slice like every morning for a week
I didn't this morning, but if i have pizza and can't eat it all I put it in the fridge and have it the next morning, its lovely cold in this weather :)Did you eat Pizza for breakfast?
No, but I did yesterday, plus some M%26amp;M's!!!

I had an 'Eskimo Pie' Ice-Cream earlier, and am just having coffee now!!!
Sometimes if i'm lazy and don't want to make breakfast!!
i haven't eaten breakfast yet,

but if we have leftover pizza from the night before,

i eat it cold.

i do sometimes..cold leftover pizza is the bestt!!!
sometimes. i like cold pizza.
i had my own made coleslaw this morning early at dark before dawn

I had ramen noodles..

I had pizza about a week go but not for breakfast.
I would if I had any in my house. I ate special K cereal and pasta ziti with alfredo sauce.
Nope, just some toast!
Sometimes :)
Sometimes, yes
on i had an omelet... I do have pizza for breakfast all the time though
Not today, but I have numerous times in the past.
Yesterday, I did!
Yesterday I did

I did not...but I love pizza for breakfast. I eat it cold- right out of the fridge.
Not today.
Never Have....!!
I think so
nope. haha :) but if I could I would.
no, i dont have any pizza to have for breakfast
no, i havent even ate breakfast yet .

i had me a bagel
every once in a while
I wish... I haven't had breakfast yet.
nope. it's too heavy.

i'd rather eat cereals for breakfast.
no not lately

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