If you had a large cheese pizza from your favorite pie establishment, which breakfast cereal (forced to choose) would you choose as your topping and why?Best pizza topping from breakfast cereal?
Hmmm, cheerio's. {forced to choose}They seem like they wouldn't distort the pizza flavor too much. But it would still be odd.
wow ive never thought of cereal on pizza, you are a god. i really have no idea, so many possibilities...sugar crisp would be good. wow im going to have to try cereal on pizza when im drunk sometime. thank you for thinking out side of the box.Best pizza topping from breakfast cereal?
Kashi, because its a nutty, grain, oatmeal cereal and don't think it would be half bad on a pizza, not to mention at least healthy.
Sugar Pops
Plain cornflakes complement almost every kind of food...
Shredded wheat, I put shredded wheat on everything, salads, icecream, pancakes.
corn flakes. they aren't sweet so they don't distract the flavor of the pizza and often, cornflakes are used in baking to give things like breaded chicken that extra crunch, so having cornflakes would be like eating crispy crust pizza.
coco puffs
cocoa crispies I think would be good, or maybe Honey Smacks..? Oooohh oooohh I know! Frankenberry!
Captain Crunch!!! because when the crunch tears the roof of your mouth you have the soft cheese to sooth it out!
Oatmeal maybe? or cornflakes.
probably cocoa puffs or cocoa crispies.... chocolate cereal and pizza might not be bad! LOL
if i wasn't so dam sexy, i might say cheery O's because they have no flavor - BUT - since i am so dam sexy, i would have to say basic four because they are my favorite kind of cereal!
Frosted Flakes. Why? I don't know. lol
I'd have to say cherioos
peanut butter crunch. it sounds like i'd be good.
Resees Peanut Butter Cereal... Peanut butter pizza is awesome..
sweet muslei and pineapple
cookie crisp, i love cookies
honey bunches of oats...yeah
i would jus keep the cheese. cereal on pizza sounds icky.
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