Friday, March 9, 2012

Why do people complain about being fat but keep eating crap?

I don't get it. Why can't they just get off their butts and go exercise and stop eating pizza for breakfast. Losing weight is so simple but nobody really wants to do they complain about being fat? I'm so confused, why do you think this is?|||I'm with you on this one. People tend to think that losing weight and getting fit is something that requires temporary effort, while it really is a lifestyle change. If you stop looking at exercise as a chore and make it part of your daily life, it will hopefully become more fun. I know it has for me.|||I can understand as an outsider looking in it seems that simple, but as a previous 'fat' person it's not as easy as it sounds.. Firstly they have developed bad eating habits over the course of years and as such your body craves the foods you have been pouring into it, when you cut those things out it becomes very hard to resist those cravings.

Secondly there is correcting the reasons why they over eat such as emotional eating, boredom eating etc.. It is a very hard habit to break once your used to eating that way. I always said for those people who are very overweight, you have to hit rock bottom before you can become completley commited to changing your life. You have to understand they have to be totally willing to change their entire way of living to become a healthy individual and that takes a great deal of will power and commitment.|||Well. There could be alot of reasons. To eat actually healthy foods, you have to actually put effort in to looking at what your purchasing to eat. Some people get really depressed and overeat just because they temporarily feel better. There's food easy to get anywhere in a hurry, which many are, but its all terrible for you (i.e mcdonalds, burger king, arbys etc.). So losing weight is "simple', but its not easy.
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